You can split your library by copying albums and photos with a simple drag and drop. You will be shown a preview of what your merged library will look like before any modifications are done, to ensure your merged library looks how you want. Got a whole bunch of libraries you want to consolidate into one? PowerPhotos lets you merge your libraries together while weeding out duplicate photos in the process and keeping albums and photo edits/metadata intact. Use PowerPhotos to find duplicate photos in one or more libraries, view them side by side, and delete the extra copies to save space on your drive and in iCloud. It’s easy to have multiple copies of the same photo creep into your photo collection over time. Splitting your photos between multiple libraries helps Photos open more quickly, lets you archive older photos, store some of your collection on an external hard drive, and reduce storage space used by iCloud Photo Library. Instead of being limited to putting all your photos in a single library, PowerPhotos can work with multiple Photos libraries, giving you many more options for how to organize your ever growing photo collection.

Video introduction Features Create and manage multiple libraries Find and eliminate duplicate photos, split up your library into smaller ones, merge libraries together, open libraries in separate windows, export photos/albums, and more. PowerPhotos works with the built-in Photos app on your Mac, providing an array of tools to help you get your photo collection in order. PowerPhotos 2.0 is now available! Existing PowerPhotos 1.0 and iPhoto Library Manager users receive a 50% discount when upgrading with their old license key.